EZ Cosmic Echo Build Guide

EZ Cosmic ECHO Build Guide

Please note: All EZ kits are intended to be used with an EZ3PDT kit.  If you are an experienced DIYer, you can use a different stomp switch circuit, but we do not offer support for circuits built without an EZ3PDT kit.  

Thank you for purchasing the EZ Cosmic Echo! This is a great build for beginner DIYers. All the components are through hole, and there's no ground plane, which makes it much easier to build than your average circuit.

If you feel like you can handle it, please proceed! If not, get some help from a friend with experience or purchase a fully built pedal.

Please build according to the BOMand not these instructions or the pictures alone. Some components may have changed since these were written, or we may not be able to get the exact components in the pictures.

Tools and supplies necessary for the build: 
- Soldering iron (we recommend an iron with a base station and a fine tip) 
- Solder 
- Snips 
- Mini flat head screwdriver (2mm head or smaller)

EZ Cosmic Echo - Resistors

Take time to carefully pre-bend the resistors and diode before placing them into the PCB.  The diode is  polarized and must be placed into the PCB by aligning the line on the diode with the line on the PCB silkscreen.

Once you place the components into the PCB, turn the project over (a piece of cardboard can help) and solder the components in place.  You can now clip the excess leads.

EZ Cosmic Echo - IC Socket
Place the IC Socket into the project by aligning the notch in the socket with the notch on the PCB silkscreen.  Turn the project over and solder the IC socket in place.

EZ Cosmic Echo - Ceramic Caps

Place the ceramic capacitors into the PCB (these are not polarized). Leave out C17 and C18. 

Turn the project over and solder in place. You can then clip the excess leads.

EZ Cosmic Echo - Caps 2

Place the two larger ceramic capacitors into the PCB (these are also not polarized), turn the project over and solder in place.

You can then clip the excess leads.

EZ Cosmic Echo - Transistors

Place the transistor & voltage regulator into the PCB by aligning the flat side with the flat side on the PCB, turn the project over and solder in place. You can then clip the excess leads.


Do not populate the trimmer if you will be using the BLAST/ZONE AMT 16mm pot. We designed the circuit to be built in the smaller standard version or the larger "squared" version. The trimmer should only be populated if you want to build the smaller standard version.

Place the trimmer resistor into the PCB, carefully turn over and solder in place.


Next, populate the electrolytic capacitors by lining up the longer lead (anode) with the '+' marking on the PCB.

Turn the project over and solder in place, then trim excess leads.

EZ Cosmic Echo - Screw Clamp Header

Note: You can choose to omit the screw clamp headers if you want to just solder the jack, 
switches, and potentiometers directly to the PCB. There are holes for strain relief for the wire.

You can now place the screw clamp headers into the PCB as shown above.  Connect the headers together first, then insert them into the PCB. 

Turn over to solder in place.  
EZ Cosmic Echo - Screw Clamp 2

PT2399 IC

Bend the legs of the IC inwards on both sides slightly by pressing them against a hard surface. The legs should be bent enough so that they fit in the socket, but not so much that they are curled under the IC like a dead bug.


Insert the IC into the socket so that the notch in the IC matches the notch on the silkscreen.

Make sure that none of the legs are bent while it's being put in. If you do bend a leg, use a pair of tweezers to carefully pull the IC back out and straighten the pin.

EZ Cosmic Echo - Potentiometers

Important (same note as on the trimmer):
Do not use the BLAST/ZONE AMT POT (B1M) if you are populating the B1M trimmer. We designed the circuit to be built in the smaller standard version or the larger "squared" version. The pot should only be used if you want to build the larger "squared" version.

Cut the wires to your desired length then strip and tin both ends with solder. Ten feet of wire is provided with the kit, which is enough to make each section 5 inches long. 

You can now carefully solder wire to the pins on the pots as shown above. Do not solder to the holes beside the pins.

Potentiometers 2

Do the same for the two stomp switches. 

Stomp Swtiches

And again, do this for the expression pedal input jack.

EZ Cosmic Echo - connection 1

Connect the potentiometer wires to the appropriate screw clamp header as indicated in the BOM.  Pin 1 and Pin 3 can be swapped if you want the pot to work CW or CCW.  The middle wire should always be pin 2.

EZ Cosmic Echo - Wiring 2

Connect the two momentary stomp switches to the project in the "Blast/Zone" and "Warp" headers.  The wires can go in either position (S1 or S2).

You can then connect the mono jack to the "EXP IN" header.  Make sure the TIP and SLV (sleeve) are connected correctly.

EZ Cosmic Echo - Connections

Your project should look similar to the image above.

EZ Cosmic Echo - EZ3PDT

Finally connect the EZ3PDT project to the EZ Cosmic Echo Project & insert the IC into the socket by aligning the notch on the IC with the notch on the socket.


You are now ready to test your build!


Initial test

Set the circuit on a non-metallic surface. Use a 9V battery or plug a 9V center negative power supply into the DC jack. 

Plug an instrument into the pedal, and the pedal into a speaker. If you have one, plug an expression pedal into the "EXP IN" jack.

Check the pots/buttons/switches/expression pedal to make sure they are changing the sound. Should be pretty spacey!

Zone trimmer adjustment (if populated)

Note: the BLAST/ZONE will not work properly if both the trimmer and the B1M 16mm pot are used. Use one or the other.

The Zone button injects extra feedback into the audio. The amount of feedback it injects will change depending upon how the Feedback and Mix knobs are set. You won't hear an effect when the feedback is cranked up high, but you will hear it when there's no feedback or a moderate amount of feedback.

The trimmer is set to taste, but here's a good place to start:
Set the knobs: 
- Feedback: fully counter-clockwise 
- Mix and Rate: 12 o'clock

Using a flathead screwdriver, adjust the trimmer (TR1) on the PCB fully clockwise.

Now push and hold the BLAST/ZONE button. You should hear a little bit of feedback injected into the circuit. Rotate the Feedback and Mix knobs a bit, and adjust the trimmer to taste. 

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